Useful Spanish Phrases

Here are a few words and phrases in Spanish you may find useful.  Practice saying these before you come to camp.  You might not be able to learn them all, but the nationals appreciate any effort we make to speak their native language; it shows respect for them and their culture.

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Cristo (Jesús) te ama………………………………………….. Jesus loves you

Dios te ama………………………………………………………. God loves you

Dios le bendiga…………………………………………………. God bless you

¿Tiene una Biblia?…………………………………………….. Do you have a Bible?

La Biblia dice…………………………………………………… The Bible says . . .

Jesucristo es el camino………………………………………. Jesus Christ is the way

Soy Cristiano(a)………………………………………………… I am a Christian (mas. and fem.)

¿Eres Cristiano(a)?……………………………………………. Are you a Christian (mas. and fem.)

¿Conoces a Cristo personalmente?………………………. Do you know Christ personally?

Iglesia……………………………………………………………… Church

Pastor………………………………………………………………. Pastor

¿Como está?…………………………………………………….. How are you doing?

Bien gracias. ¿Y tú?…………………………………………… Fine thanks.  And you?

Encantado………………………………………………………… Pleased to meet you

¿Habla inglés?………………………………………………….. Do you speak English?

Si, un poco……………………………………………………….. Yes, a little

No hablo español (muy bien)……………………………… I don’t speak Spanish (very well)

Repita por favor………………………………………………… Please repeat

No entiendo……………………………………………………… I don’t understand

No sé……………………………………………………………….. I don’t know

Me llamo________……………………………………………. My name is_________

¿Cómo se llama?………………………………………………. What is your name?

El es mi amigo, ______……………………………………… This is my friend, _______

Vivo en ___________……………………………………….. I live in ________________

¿De dónde eres?………………………………………………… Where are you from?

Soy de _______………………………………………………… I am from ________

¿Cuántos años tiene usted?…………………………………. How old are you?

¿Cuántas personas viven en su casa?…………………… How many people live in your house

¿Qué te gusta hacer?………………………………………….. What do you like to do?

Me gusta   (see following words)   ……………………… I like  (see following words)  

leer = to read        cantar = to sing        bailar = to dance        ver la tele = to watch TV

escuchar música = to listen to music        jugar = to play  (béisbol [baseball], vólibol [volleyball], básquetbol [basketball], tenis [tennis], golf, fútbol americano [American football – to distinguish from fútbol, which is soccer]

 ¿Donde está el baño?………………………………………… Where is the bathroom?

¿Qué hora es?…………………………………………………… What time is it?

¿Cuánto cuesta?………………………………………………… How much does it cost?

¡Hace calor!……………………………………………………… It’s hot!

Tengo sed………………………………………………………… I am thirsty

Vamos a comer…………………………………………………. Let’s eat

Agua……………………………………………………………….. Water

Refresco…………………………………………………………… Soft drink

Chicle (or chiclet)……………………………………………… chewing gum

Tienda……………………………………………………………… Store

Gracias…………………………………………………………….. Thank you

Muchas gracias…………………………………………………. Thank you very much

Por favor………………………………………………………….. Please

De nada……………………………………………………………. You’re welcome

Con permiso (when taking leave of someone)………. Excuse me

Perdóne……………………………………………………………. Forgive me

¡Hola!………………………………………………………………. Hello

Buenos días………………………………………………………. Good morning

Buenas tardes……………………………………………………. Good afternoon

Buenas noches………………………………………………….. Good evening

Adiós amigo(a)(os)……………………………………………. Goodbye friend(s)

¡Adiós! Pasé un rato agradable……………………………. Goodbye! I had a great time

Si…………………………………………………………………….. Yes

No…………………………………………………………………… No

Bueno………………………………………………………………. Good

Muy bien………………………………………………………….. Very good

No muy bien…………………………………………………….. Not very good

Malo (mala)……………………………………………………… Bad (masculine and feminine)

No esta mal………………………………………………………. Not bad

Question words:

¿Quién? (¿Quienes?)…………………………………………. Who? (Singular and plural)

¿Qué?………………………………………………………………. What?

¿Cuándo?…………………………………………………………. When?

¿Dónde?…………………………………………………………… Where?

¿Por qué?…………………………………………………………. Why?

¿Cómo?……………………………………………………………. How?

¿Cuánto?………………………………………………………….. How much?

More handy words:

Baño………………………………………………………………… Bathroom

Cuarto……………………………………………………………… Bedroom

Cama……………………………………………………………….. Bed

Mesa……………………………………………………………….. Table

Silla…………………………………………………………………. Chair

Ducha………………………………………………………………. Shower

Toalla………………………………………………………………. Towel

Almohada………………………………………………………… Pillow

Marioneta…………………………………………………………. Puppet

Drama……………………………………………………………… Drama

Normally you pronounce each vowel (even if there are two vowels side-by-side in a word).  Here’s how Spanish vowels are pronounced compared to English:

a-ah        e-ĕ            i-ē          o-oh          u-ooooo

An “n” with a “~” over it (ñ) sounds like n and y together:  español pronounced “espanyol”

Double “ll’s” are pronounced as a “y”: llama pronounced “yama”

An accent over a vowel: that part of the word is stressed: cómo pronounced “COmo”