What to put in your shoeboxes for Mexico

Note: These are suggestions; you can be creative and use other items also. Click here for a printer-friendly version.

Infants  (often packed in totes/bags or in shoeboxes)

·  Diapers, baby wipes, soap, pacifier, socks, shoes, clothing

·  Blanket, cap, toys, baby powder, lotion, sleeping pad, brush.  Hand-made, knitted, crocheted items are great!

Ages 2-5

·  Toothbrushes / Toothpaste / Comb / Brush / Washcloth

·  Small Stuffed Animals / Dolls / Balls / Trucks

·  Socks / Underwear/ Gloves / Caps

·  Crayons and Coloring Books / Play-doh / Candy (wrapped)

 Ages 6-9 

·  One T-Shirt / Socks / Cap or stocking cap / (no bulky clothes)

·  Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, soap, shampoo)

·  Safe, non-violent, non-harmful toys / Candy (wrapped, non-meltable)

·  Dolls / Trucks / Sunglasses / Flashlight / Washcloth

·  School Supplies / Crayons and Coloring Books / Play-doh

Ages 10-14

 ·  One T-Shirt / Socks / Cap or stocking cap / Washcloth

·  Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant)

·  Perfume / Hair Accessories / Bracelet, Necklace

·  Games / Toys / Art & Hobby Items / Harmonica / Flashlight

·  School Supplies (tablets, pencils, pens, compass, ruler, calculator)

·  Candy (wrapped, non-meltable)

We recommend that each shoebox include a good base of “necessary” items (such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, washcloth, basic school supplies), then fill the rest of the box with toys, games, candy, etc.

Important: Please do not place any money in the shoeboxes

  • For the children who will receive your boxes, these gifts will be of great value to them—not only the physical items, but to know that Christians who don’t even know them love them with God’s love. 
  • It is a treat to the recipients if you include a photo of yourself or your family/group, or a card or note with a message in English or Spanish.
  • We realize you’re already spending money to fill the shoeboxes, but if you can help in defraying shoebox delivery expenses (overnight housing, van rentals, insurance, etc.), please consider sending a donation.  Different from the past, please do not place any money in the shoeboxes; send the payment separately to:  Crossing Borders, 218 Joan Ln, Longview, TX 75605.

**  Remember to PRAY for the children who will receive your boxes.  **